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Thomas White PhD
SUNY Stony Brook, Physiology and Biophysics
Current Position: Associate Professor of Physiology and Biophysics
Research: connexin, lens, epidermis, gap junction, transgenic mice, genetic disease, deafness
Intercellular channels present in gap junctions allow cells to share…
Lonnie Wollmuth PhD
SUNY Stony Brook, Neurobiology and Behavior
Current Position: Professor of Neurobiology & Behavior
Research: interneurons glutamatergic synapses post-synaptic density parvalbumin positive somatostatin positive fast spiking regular spiking plasticity
Interneurons are key regulators of local circuits in the visual…
Suh-Yuh Wu MA
SUNY Stony Brook, Preventive Medicine & Ophthalmology
Current Position: Research Assistant Professor
Research: epidemiology, glaucoma, lens opacities, refractive errors, diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, visual impairment
ophthalmic epidemiology, cancer research, case-control studies, longitudinal cohort studies, population-based…
Youping Xiao PhD
SUNY Downstate, Ophthalmology
Current Position: Associate Professor
Research: visual cortex; neural circuits and computation; color; visual prothesis
The primate visual system is composed of more than 30…
Qasim Zaidi PhD
SUNY Optometry, Graduate Center for Vision Research
Current Position: SUNY Distinguished Professor
Research: Color Perception, 3-D Shape Perception, Visuo-haptic Interactions, Cortical Decoding of Color, Neural models of 3-D shape perception, Dimensionality of Neural Processing.
Using psychophysical experiments, I try to decipher the visual strategies…
Gregory Zelinsky PhD
SUNY Stony Brook, Psychology
Current Position: Associate Professor of Psychology (Cognitive)
Research: eye movements, visual attention, visual search, visual working memory, scene perception
Visual cognition (attention, search, scene perception, and visual working memory),…
Sarah Xin Zhang MD
SUNY Buffalo, Ophthalmology
Current Position: Associate Professor
Research: Diabetic retinopathy; age-related macular degeneration; unfolded protein response; inflammation; angiogenesis; blood-retinal barrier; RPE; neuroprotection
ER stress and the UPR signaling in retinal neurovascular injury…
Michael Zuber PhD
SUNY Upstate, Ophthalmology and Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Current Position: Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology
Research: Eye formation, eye field, eye development, retinal stem cell, retinal progenitor cell
The molecular and cellular mechanisms of eye formation, the basis…