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Stewart Bloomfield PhD
SUNY Optometry, Biological and Visual Sciences
Current Position: Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research
Research: retina; neuroscience; neuronal circuitry; gap junctions; glaucoma; ischemic retinopathy; apoptosis
Our research focuses on the physiology and pathology of the…
Ivan Bodis-Wollner MD, DSc
SUNY Downstate, Neurology
Current Position: Professor of Neurology, Professor of Ophthalmology
Research: Neuro-ophthalmology,Visual neuroscience, Parkinson Disease(PD), Retina, ERG, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), Neuroprotection,Dopamine,Voluntary saccades, Cortical eye fields,
A.Voluntary saccades in humans and the effect of Parkinson Disease…
William Brunken PhD
SUNY Upstate, Ophthalmology
Current Position: Professor and Director of Center for Vision Research
Research: synapse formation; extracellular matrix; Müller Cell; neovascularization; retinal degeneration; neural prostheses
The Müller cells (MCs) have a key role in retinal…
Peter Calvert PhD
SUNY Upstate, Ophthalmology
Current Position: Associate Professor of Ophthalmology
Research: retina, cell biology, protein dynamics, multiphoton microscopy, confocal microscopy, live cell microscopy, quantitative fluorescence microscopy, degenerative disease, ciliopathies, mathematical modeling, molecular diffusion, single molecule imaging, cell
The Calvert lab studies the dynamics of proteins in live…
Brahim Chaqour PhD
SUNY Downstate, Cell Biology and Ophthalmology
Current Position: Professor of Cell Biology
Research: Retinal vesculature, endothelial progenitor cells, retinopathy of prematurity, diabetic retinopathy, extracellular matrix, fibrosis, angiogenesis, vasculogenesis, pericytes, neovascularization, matricellular proteins, connective tissue growth factor (CTGF
I have a well-established research program in the field of…
Kenneth Ciuffreda OD, PhD
SUNY Optometry, Vision Sciences
Current Position: Distinguished Teaching Professor
Research: Binocular Vision, Recovery of Visual Function
John Danias MD, PhD
SUNY Downstate, Ophthalmology, Cell Biology
Current Position: Professor of Ophthalmology and Cell Biology
Research: glaucoma, neurodegeneration, steroid-induced glaucoma, retinal ganglion cells, complement
Our wiork focuses on understanding the pathophysiology of glaucomatous IOP…
Michael Dattilo MD, PhD
SUNY Downstate, Cell Biology and Ophthalmology
Current Position: Post Doctoral Fellow
Research: electrophysiology; characteristics of ion currents/ion channels; patch clamp recording; intracellular regulation of ion channels
Studied intracellular regulation of TRPC5 channels (transient receptor potential channels),…
Mitchell Dul OD, MS
SUNY Optometry, Clinical Sciences
Current Position: Associate Professor
Research: glaucoma, perimetry, visual fields, structural assessment, functional assessment, psychophysics, macula
The long-term function of this research program is to relate…
Mark Emerson PhD
The City College of New York, City University of New York, Biology
Current Position: Assistant Professor
Research: retina; development; cone photoreceptors; retinal progenitor cells; electroporation; cisregulatory modules
Our research is focused on understanding the genetic and cellular…