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Magnus Bergkvist PhD
SUNY College of Nanoscale Science & Engineering, Nanobioscience
Current Position: Assistant Professor
Keywords Research Areas: Nano/micro particles for drug delivery/imaging; tissue engineering scaffolds & systems; biosensors;MEMS fabrication;nanofabrication; surface chemistry & polymer thin films.
Synopsis Of Research:The Bergkvist Lab is involved in several research thrusts: i) polymerization and surface funcationalization using gas-phase chemistries (monolayer chemistry, surface grafted polymer systems etc.), for semiconductor and biotechnology applications, ii) design and fabrication of well-defined tissue engineering scaffolds via nanomaterials and NEMS/MEMS fabrication using both soft/hard materials, and iii) nanomedicine and drug delivery/imaging systems, mainly focusing on the use of biological derived materials. Projects in the group range from biosensor applications, defined microporous cell scaffolds (2D/3D), targeted drug delivery using protein-based nanoparticles and polysacccharide dendrites.
Current Or Representative Publications:
- K.Y. Torrejon, D. Pu, M. Bergkvist, J. Danias, S.T. Sharfstein, Y. Xie. "Recreating a Human Trabecular Meshwork Outflow System on Microfabricated Porous Structures" Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2013, 110 (12) 3205–3218. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/bit.24977
- V.J. Bharamaiah Jeevendrakumar, B.A. Altemus, A.J. Gildea, and M. Bergkvist "Thermal properties of poly(neopentylmethacrylate) thin films deposited via solventless, radical initiated chemical vapor deposition" Thin Solid Films. 2013, 542, 81-86. doi http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tsf.2013.06.056
- B.A. Cohen and M. Bergkvist. "Targeted In Vitro Photodynamic Therapy via Aptamer-Labeled, Porphyrin-Loaded Virus Capsids" Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology. 2013, 121, 67–74. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1011134413000407
- L. Beardslee, D. Khaladj, M. Bergkvist. Preliminary Investigation of a Sacrificial Process for Fabrication of Polymer Membranes with Sub-Micron Thickness (2013) Proceedings of the Materials Research Society, Boston, MA.
- C. Mukai, Magnus Bergkvist, J.L. Nelson, A.J. Travis. (2009) "Sequential Reactions of Surface-Tethered Glycolytic Enzymes" Chemistry & Biology. (2009) 16, (9), 1013-1020.