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SEI Steering Committee
Steering Committee: Ten members made up of two individuals from each member institution. The two individuals from each institution will consist of (1) the Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology, Dean of the College of Optometry or their designee and (2) the director of research or their designee. Non-voting members may be appointed by the voting members as necessary.
Directors: The ten members of the Steering Committee will elect three Directors, from among their members, one of whom will be designated a treasurer. The Directors are empowered to oversee the SEI budget and make decisions of major importance and direction in between meetings of the Steering Committee. There shall not be more than one director from the same institution. The administrative executive secretary shall serve in an ex-officio capacity.
Directors: William Brunken (Upstate), Steven Fliesler (Buffalo), and Leslie Hyman (Stony Brook)